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doing so many things and running to entertainment company's is a is a ton of work..working with so many bands myself and also with my own act..i started out in the 90s and started a new style call New World Music"after one of my songs made a cd in 93:in New York City which they help me and also to run a record company..and my act..i was called Jammin James first ..then Guitar world voted me two year in a guitar players in the world..and also put out 2 cds in 96'.and 97 . then made Rolling Stone magazine in Feb. of 99' with a picture of Hendrix on front cover..and my new cd was in back..and i did get mail for orders from China..which my head was in the clouds for weeks all this before internet was around..but i had contract with a movie company and they wanted to use all my music on movies..such a great thing but i did not understand a waveform was and they wanted a better recording..and i stop everything and i let contract go because i had to learn more about what i was doing and had to do school , then as computer's came along ..i knew it was the way the music recording was going to go so i study that and last of 2015 i build the studio that nobody's has ever seen.out of my mind i came up with what i need and what i had to do..which it did work and reopen my record company and put first song out on 1/28/16 it was a good year..very good..i act move forward as my music with recorded company doing just as good. but i only been open 15 months and was voted top artist under 300 in the world wish made my day..everyday makes my people and love to share the music i make. i been doing this all my life and still burns in my heart and plus my friend's tell me to do not stop the @JJ_jjammin

Current Organization

"w.w.artist" and C.E.O of rec inc.